Funded Research

Resting State Neuroimaging for Presurgical Mapping

Funding Sources: NIH NINDS 1R01NS069696-01A1 (PI: Stufflebeam), The Harvard Catalyst Pilot Grant Award (Stufflebeam and Buckner).

This project uses resting state functional connectivity to map eloquent cortex in the human brain. The focus is on epilepsy and brain tumor patients, lateralizating and localizing motor and language neural networks.

Presurgical Brain Mapping in Epilepsy

Funding Sources: The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center GrantMental Illness and Neuroscience Discovery (MIND) Institute, Partners Radiology Collaborative Research Grant,NIH 5P41RR014075-075R01NS037462-07 (Belliveau Lab), 1R01NS069696-01A1 (PI: Stufflebeam).

This project aims to explore and optimize the integration of fMRI, magnetoencephalography (MEG), and electroencephalography (EEG) with high spatial resolution anatomic MRI for detecting subtle structural and functional abnormalities in the cerebral cortex, white matter, and deep gray nuclei. We are currently using invasive measurements in humans to correlate with our non-invasive measurements. In particular, we are using a functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI) to perform eloquent cortex mapping. The project long term goal is to improve the surgical outcome in epilepsy patients.

Systems-Based Neurotechnology for Emerging Therapies (SUBNETS)

Funding Sources: DARPA

The SUBNETS program seeks to reduce the severity of neuropsychological illness in service members and veterans by developing closed-loop therapies that incorporate recording and analysis of brain activity with near-real-time neural stimulation. The program, which will use next-generation devices inspired by current Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) technology, was launched in support of President Obama’s brain initiative. The TRANSFORM team consists of physicians, engineers, and neuroscientists who are working together to develop advanced brain interfaces, computational models of neural activity, and clinical therapies for treating networks of the brain.


Funding Sources: The Human Connectome Project HCP (U01).

This is a project within a larger Human Connectome Project funded by the NIH. The MGH-Martinos Center is collaborating with UCLA on this project. It consists of 3 major projects:
1. High angular resolution diffusion imaging with magnetic resonance (HARDI), which detects the diffusion of water along fibrous tissue, and can be used to visualize axon bundles. 2. Resting state fMRI (rsfMRI), which detects fluctuations in brain activity while a person is at rest, and can be used to look for coordinated networks within the brain. 3. Electrophysiology and magnetoencephalography (MEG) combined with fMRI (E/M fMRI), which adds information about the brain’s electrical activity to the fMRI signal.

Funded Collaborative Research Projects

Dynamic Inverse Solutions for Multimodal Imaging

Funding Source: 1R01EB006385-01A1 ( Dr Boas ).

Develop and integrate state-space model based on imaging, neurophysiology, and anatomy to better integrate multiple imaging technologies.

Audiovisual Integration

Funding Source5T32DC000020-17 (through Dr. Nadol).

Understanding how visual information influences auditory processing using simple phonetic stimuli.  The long term goal is to understand how this can be used to improve audition in hearing impaired patients or to improve the success of cochlear implants.  This project is in collaboration with Dr. Donald Eddington of the MEEI.

Optical imaging

Funding Source: NIH 5P41RR014075-07

Acquiring simultaneous diffusion optical tomography with MEG. This is in collaboration with David Boas and Maria Angela Franceschini (originally with Ilkka Nissilä) in the Photon Migration Laboratory at the Martinos Center.

Presurgical Mapping of Eloquent Cortex with MEG/EEG and fMRI

Funding Source: NIH 5P41RR014075-07; Partners Collaborative Grant (Kikinis & Stufflebeam).

Using of MEG & fMRI for creating spatiotemporal maps of visual and auditory language. Research is also in collaboration with Dr. Alex Golby at BWH

reviously Funded Research Projects

Auditory Information Processing in Schizophrenia

Funding SourceNational Institutes of Health 5K08MH067966-02Mental Illness and Neuroscience Discovery (MIND) Institute.

Research Description: Understanding early auditory processing may reveal underlying mechanisms in schizophrenia.  The study involves imaging schizophrenic patients using MRI, fMRI and MEG/EEG using a variety of experimental paradigms. Currently we are studying how rhythmic brain activity in the posterior superior temporal gyrus is affected in schizophrenia.  We are also investigating mechanisms that lead to abnormal auditory mismatch in schizophrenia.

Visual Information Processing in Schizophrenia

Funding SourceNARSAD (Young Investigator Award).

Research Description: This project aims to understand how the large-scale neural network between the frontal lobe and the occipito-parietal lobe is involved in visual motion processing and smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM), both in healthy subjects and schizophrenic subjects.

Stufflebeam Lab in the News: Boston Globe Article

Spectral Spatiotemporal Imaging

Funding Sources: NIH 5P41RR014075-075R01NS037462-07 (Belliveau Lab).

Spectral spatiotemporal imaging is used to image rhythmic brain activity, both at rest and during activation tasks.

Perfusion MRI in Brain Tumors

Funding SourcesNIH-NINDS 5R01NS060918-02 (PI: Stufflebeam).

Perfusion MRI may improve the ability of imaging to provide an accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and potentially guide treatment choices for both newly diagnosed and recurrent brain tumors. Our proposed research will help establish a common, standardized approach to acquisition and analysis of perfusion MRI data across different MRI machines with a goal of minimizing variations across machines. This will enable this technique to become more widely available and more appropriately establish its benefit to patients.

Resting State Neuroimaging for Presurgical Mapping

Funding Sources: NIH NINDS 1R01NS069696-01A1 (PI: Stufflebeam), The Harvard Catalyst Pilot Grant Award (Stufflebeam and Buckner).

This project uses resting state functional connectivity to map eloquent cortex in the human brain. The focus is on epilepsy and brain tumor patients, lateralizating and localizing motor and language neural networks.